If we’ve learned anything from our 20+ years in the print industry, it’s that this is a people business. That’s why we’ve decided to start an Employee Spotlight series to highlight the amazing people behind PageDNA. We’re excited to showcase our employees and give you a behind-the-scenes look into what it’s like to work at PageDNA.

And there’s no better way to kick off this series than with our 2023 Employee of the Year—Brooke Williams! 

About Brooke

Brooke Williams

Brooke is a Senior Sales Development Representative at PageDNA. She started in October 2021, right after finishing college, and quickly established herself as a key player on our team.

Brooke’s interest in working in the print industry runs deep. Her father also worked in print, and she grew up listening in on his work calls and picking up the jargon. Joining PageDNA was the perfect fit for her—and for us! 

Brooke’s PageDNA

If you could describe your team with one word, what would it be? 

Collaborative! There is a lot of crossover between different departments and everyone works together to reach success. I also feel like everyone’s voice and professional opinion are asked for and heard.

How were you supported in your onboarding at PageDNA?

My onboarding experience was really positive. I was straight out of college, and the team really took time to invest in my growth early on. I immediately started attending sales courses and classes on print industry knowledge that gave me a good idea of the history of print and where the industry stands today. 

I also received a lot of one-on-one coaching from company leaders. After a few months of learning industry knowledge and receiving that training, I felt confident and was ready to hit the ground running.

What has been your biggest accomplishment during your time on our team?

It definitely has to be winning Employee of the Year 2023! 

What is the most exciting thing that’s happened to you while working at PageDNA?

I really love attending trade shows. It’s exciting to meet prospects, learn about their print operations, and show them how our web to print software can help. It’s also really rewarding to meet and speak with current customers in person and learn how our team has helped support them.

What’s the most unique part about working for PageDNA?

I think it’s been a really unique experience working for an established company that is still growing. There are lots of opportunities that one might not get working for a large corporate entity. It’s nice that you can have your hand in more than one thing, so there are lots of opportunities for growth and development. 

What changes have you seen at PageDNA in your time, and what effect have they had?

I’m really looking forward to the change to Amazon Web Services (AWS). Once it’s completed, it will be a huge benefit for customers and our team.

Enough About Work…

Describe your perfect Saturday.

I think I’d start by getting a morning workout in. Then, I’d probably go to the farmer’s market since I love to cook with fresh vegetables. I also really like antiquing, so I’d spend the afternoon doing that. I’d end the day by heading into Nashville for some dinner and drinks. 

What’s a skill you have that might surprise people?

It might not surprise people, but I like to think of myself as a good cook. A friend once told me that I’d made the best steak he’d ever tried in his life! 

Fast Favorites

  • Band? No Doubt
  • TV Show? Harlots
  • Movie? Phantom of the Opera 

Working with PageDNA

At PageDNA, we love what we do. And we love supporting customers and employees in achieving their goals. Interested in joining in on the fun? Check out our current career opportunities online or schedule a demo today by emailing sales@PageDNA.com.