What Is Access Control?
Your users need access to the storefronts you create, and you have control over how they access them. PageDNA supports many different forms of Storefront Access Control, giving you flexibility in how you provision your customers with online storefronts. This flexibility allows you to support different customer types, order workflows, and provide customer integrations in the most effective way for each situation.
Advantages of Access Control
- A “walkup” storefront, without logins, allows you to provide a customer with a direct-to-consumer ordering space.This allows anyone with access to the internet access your storefront.
- You can create a “deep-link” URL, which takes a user directly into a Division, catalog tab, or individual item. This works best with a walkup storefront or one where divisions are not set in a Profile.
- Storefronts can contain accounts, or Profiles, which allow for secure per-user logins. Profiles are also used for storing user-specific information.
- Single Sign-On (SSO) adds an extra layer of security by providing a direct login from the customer’s own intranet into a PageDNA Profile.
- A cXML roundtrip workflow allows you to start an order in an outside ordering system, punch into an entire PageDNA storefront catalog or directly into a single item, and complete the order in the external storefront.
Profiles are included in all PageDNA plans and are available to all customers and
storefronts. SSO and cXML integrations can incur additional setup costs or hosting fees; please contact Sales@PageDNA.com for more information.
Have More Questions?
For additional uses, limitations, and information on Access Control options, visit our documentation:
…or contact us via a method of your choice below.